EUROTRAINING Educational Organization, partner in the European Project “MoreThanAJob – Reinforcing Social and Solidarity Economy for the Unemployed, Uneducated and Refugees”, implemented in the framework of the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme, is launching an Open Call in the framework of Work Package 3: Social Schemes and Sub-grants.
The objective of this Open Call for Sub-grant proposals is to finance SSE-PA cooperation projects aiming at improving welfare and social services for vulnerable groups in order to increase their opportunities of social and labour inclusion.
The sub-grant proposal, as mandatory requirement, should include initiatives that foresee the collaboration with a public administration to be formalised, during the project’s lifetime, with the signature of at least 1 Memorandum of Understanding with the identified public body.
Projects should focus on one of the following themes:
Family and income support | Health and counselling services | Education and training | Career guidance and employment support | Culture and participation.
The planned duration of an action should be 8 months.
Eligible Applicants:
The Open Call is for SSE Actors and Organisations aiming in producing goods, services, and knowledge by pursuing both economic and social goals within a solidarity-oriented approach focusing on vulnerable groups. Indicative examples of potential applicants could be Social Cooperatives, Social Enterprises, NGOs, CSOs, Foundations, Associations, Private Entities and Organisations that will not gain profit within the proposed project, etc.
The extended deadline for the submission of applications is 15/07/2021 (extension of 30/06/2021).
The application pack must be submitted in electronic format to the following e-mail address:
The proposed activities must be implemented in Greece and the applications for the proposals can be submitted either in Greek or English.
More information regarding the Sub-grants Open Call for Greece, all the necessary templates and Guidelines for applicants are available at this link:
Click here
The Application Documents are available in Greek and English. Additional informative material is available in English as well.
For any further information or clarifications, please send your email to or call us at +30 210 3306086.