Learning design applied in EUROTRAINING training courses

 EUROTRAINING organized a design workshop on Collaborative Learning Design on 2 and 3 July 2014. The workshop was attended by twenty accredited vocational trainers of various disciplines. It used collaborative learning techniques so that participants:

  •  comprehend  (new)  concepts  such  as  learning  design  and  cooperative learning;
  •  acknowledge the constituent elements of an integrated learning scenario;
  •  combine teaching practice with learning design.

The workshop focused on the creation of learning scenarios through the use of the

ILDE  platform.  At  the  end  of  the  seminar,  trainees  recognized  the  value  of collaboration as well as of the creation and sharing of learning designs.

Two of the workshop participants applied their newly-acquired knowledge in their class, in October 2014. They used the ILDE webcollage tool for the creation of their learning designs and the ILDE glueps tool for uploading  these  learning  designs  into  the  EUROTRAINING  moodle  platform.  They  then  delivered  their courses using collaborative teaching techniques, which can be particularly beneficial in the case of vocational learning.

 According to an interview-based evaluation of their experience both vocational trainers consider that their students enjoyed collaborative learning. One of them remarked: “students felt free to interact with each other, and they really liked collaborative learning” and the other: “teaching was more interesting for the students.  Distant learners had problems to follow”.

EUROTRAINING is keen  in  enhancing  the  use  of  collaborative learning design and the ILDE platform in its classes. For this purpose it will  organize  more  ILDE-based  collaborative learning  design teachings in its forthcoming vocational training courses.

More information on the METIS project can be found at:


metisEUThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.